2. Company information


Company information


*In addition to the above, the Group’s management philosophy is comprised of three other components: “Basic Management Policy” and “Basic Human Resource Education.


“To govern means to rectify.”
We think the most important thing is correctness.

This is one of our most important thoughts.
The phrase ” To govern means to rectify ” appears in the Analects of Confucius and can be interpreted as “the key road of politics is right.” We think that the business of a company is the same as that of to govern.
We have a strong desire to be a company in which each and every one of our employees can approach our stakeholders, including customers and business partners, with integrity. I am confident that this will lead to quality in the broad sense of the term that we continue to pursue.
In order to improve quality and become a company that is needed by customers and business partners, we are putting our utmost efforts into the development of human resources, which we call “kyoiku,” with the hope of nurturing, nurturing and nurturing together with all stakeholders. Through this “Shared Education,” we strive to deepen our understanding of the concept of “being right,” which we place the highest priority on.
All of our employees will continue to make every effort to remain a company that is needed by all our stakeholders, including customers and our business partners, with the ” To govern (= business) means to rectify ” in mind.
We look forward to your continued support and patronage.

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