2. Company information


Company information

1. Policy for Environment

[Basic Philosophy]

Our company contributes to customers’ corporate activities by providing high-quality 3PL services.
In order to prevent the deterioration of the global environment such as global warming, we are actively engaged in environmental conservation activities.
We will fulfill our social responsibility for environment and contribute to society.

[Basic Policy]

1) We comply with environment-related laws and regulations and strive to protect the environment.
2) We promote energy conservation by improving the energy efficiency of electricity and other sources.
3) We continuously educate employees about environmental conservation.
4) We will properly dispose of waste in accordance with laws and regulations and strive to prevent environmental damage caused by waste.
5) We strive to reduce waste and conserve resources by promoting the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) for internal materials and office supplies used in business activities.
6) We will give priority to purchasing environmentally good products and services.
7) We implement and maintain this policy and make it known to all employees.
8) We will disclose this policy to the public.

January 2020
Sakata Warehouse, inc.
Takaaki Tanaka, President

2. What we are doing for keeping environment well.

(1) Obtained certification under the Logistics Efficiency Law

1) Details of Initiatives
On August 6, 2019, Mino Warehouse of Kita Osaka Sales Office received an approval from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (District Transport Bureau) as a specified distribution facility and plan for comprehensive efficiency of distribution services under the Law for Comprehensive Efficiency of Distribution.

Specific measures include:

At our Minoh Warehouse Kita Osaka Sales Office, which meets the certification requirements for specific distribution business facilities, we created a “comprehensive efficiency improvement plan” and carried out joint delivery using a dedicated joint delivery vehicle to improve delivery quality and delivery vehicles. In addition to working to reduce the number of trucks, improve the loading rate of trucks, and reduce the delivery distance, we introduced a truck reservation reception system to reduce the waiting time for truck drivers.

Through these efforts, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions.

(2) Green Management Certification

1) Details of Initiatives
On June 10, 2020, Mino Warehouse of Kita Osaka Sales Office received Green Management Certification from Foundation for Promoting Personal Mobility and Ecological Transportation.

Specific measures include:

We have established an environmental policy, created and revised an environmental action plan, studied the introduction of energy-saving equipment and devices, and established a promotion system to manage CO2 emissions, electricity consumption, and electricity consumption per unit of production by setting quantitative targets for electricity consumption per unit of production.

We are also working to reduce energy loss through maintenance and inspection of facilities and equipment, to control waste generation and recycling by managing targets and actual recycling rates, to promote proper disposal and recycling, and to promote environmental conservation in administrative departments (offices).

2) Achievements
As an example of our efforts,
We manage the actual results and improvement rates for the target values for the electric power consumption rate and the actual results and improvement rates for the target values for waste reduction.
Please refer to the Environmental Activity Report below for details of our efforts.

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